
Butterfly Divider

“I enjoyed this conference. I was not going to come, but a friend said let’s go. It has blessed me tremendously. All the speakers were awesome. The poem worthy. Was just a confirmation of who I am as a black woman and what it is that GOD is doing with me and through me in Jesus NAME.”

Butterfly Divider

“We thank the woman of God, Lesley Hudson   for the awesome poem that she gave to God’s people, it was lively and it was coming from her heart crossing on issues of life. We thank God that inside he gave her to give to Gods people what will really really benefit them, so we thank God for her in name of Jesus Christ.”

Butterfly Divider

“I’m here at the women’s conference. I had a wonderful time, Oh My God, it was beautiful. My heart goes out to this beautiful this young woman that God has blessed and given her the words to say to empower women. She was awesome, I loved it.”

“What can I say. I love your poem, I love your book and you are a beautiful woman. Keep on going!”

“Your spoken word was so beautiful, I was moved. And when I thought I was moved enough, I was moved again!”